The Shaman’s Apprentice

The Shaman’s Apprentice

The last shaman of the North American Arctic has just died. Victor Tuungulik’s death marked the loss of an ancestral tradition which was at the heart of Inuit life. The shaman was the priest, the healer, sometimes also the sorcerer. An Inuk, Charlie Nowkawak, takes stock of the significance of this loss, but how can one man overcome the passage of time when no one is left to bear witness anymore? Invited by the Amazonian shaman Quetsem Betsa, he embarks upon a journey – a quest which will take him to Peru, to the Shipibo Indians where shamanism is still alive.
Spirituality – South America – Ethnology – Meeting

Partner(s) : Transethnic - InformAction - Arte France

Broadcaster(s) : Arte, Cyrus Media

Director(s) : Stéphane Bégoin

Author(s) : Stéphane Bégoin, Maurice Ribière

Year : 2001

Duration : 52 minutes

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